Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Winning Stuff: Giveaway Winner Posts

Jane here...

I've been asked a few times about "missing" winner posts.  You may have noticed I don't post about the winners of the Winning Readings giveaways here.  I simply email the winners.  (And if you don't get my email for some reason, you're out of luck as I'll pick another email when I get no response.)

My reasoning: I figure only the winner really cares about who the winners are.  No reason to waste my time and yours with a post about the winners, especially when time is short.

What do you think?  Do YOU want to know who the winners are, even if you're not one of them?  Let me know!
It's anything goes today!  Here's your place to link up any "clean" book-related post of your choice!  Check the rules if you've got questions.

And take a moment to check out some other great book posts linked up here!


Swati said... 1

Yes, I think a winner post - even if it is just the names of the giveaway and the winner, once a week or so, is useful. It makes you feel connected somehow - like being part of a class from which one student has been lucky.

Also, it erases any doubts regarding whether someone has actually won or not :)

Ticia said... 2

maybe do one post for the whole week of the winners from your blog, but I do kind of agree with you that it's not as big a deal to everyone if they're not the winner.

Anonymous said... 3

I agree with Ticia, that one post for the whole week would be good. It'll give winners a chance to check and make sure your e-mail didn't hit the spam box.

Anonymous said... 4
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Unknown said... 5

Hi - I added a new book review for Usborne's new teen series: "Chloe and Levesque: Double Cross and Over the Edge. Read all and find out how you can enter their monthly drawing for $50 in FREE books!

Thanks! Tina "The Book Lady"