Are you dating and wondering what it is you are doing wrong? Maybe you have friends that just have failed relationship after relationship. Or maybe you feel helpless in helping your teen or young adult child figure out relationships.
The 7 Fatal Mistakes of Dating
As discussed in Glaen by Fred Lybrand
1. Date the Wrong Person
✔ There are two things that must be true for a lasting match--- Chemistry AND Basis
2. Have the Wrong Goal
✔ Dating just to have fun is a dead end. You really need to have a long term relationship in mind for it to last.
3. Be the Wrong Person
✔ If you are disguising who you really are you will attract someone who will never like you.
4. Kiss Before You Converse
✔ The physical will cloud the essential...and if it dries up your relationship will die.
5. Talk without Listening
✔ Relating is a two-way exchange of giving and receiving. If you want someone just to listen to you, why not hire a counselor?
6. Be a Control Freak
✔ Controlling the other person will guarantee the burying of love.
7. Act Like You are Married
✔ You are married when you are married; so, acting the part sets up a game of hurt feelings and failed expectations.
Fred Lybrand is video blogging about each dating mistake.
“With my interactions in counseling, churches, and the business world, I can tell you that we need a heavy dose of truthfulness and genuine relating with one another,” explains Lybrand. “Hollywood continues to give us the false impression that just cheating and ‘cycling through’ relationships is the way to go. I know everyone won’t change, but imagine the health that could come about if we had an outbreak of honesty and truth in relating with one another? Finally, an epidemic I’d like to be a part of.”
Glaen by Fred R. Lybrand
The Barnabas Agency February 2010
ISBN: 978-0-578-04652-5/softcover/171 pages/$14.99
Website: ~ Blog:
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