Welcome!! Please tell us a little about yourself...I've been married for 27 years to a wonderful man I met through a pen pal ad. We have 7 beautiful children, 6 boys and 1 girl. Just three months ago we got our first grandchild. Very excited about that. I love to read Christian fiction, write reviews, make new friends, cross stitch, crochet,do jigsaw puzzles, play board games and many other things.How would you describe your blog?
Mostly I just review Christian books, interview authors and giveaway books. I also like to talk about my family and flowers and such.
How long have you been blogging? How/why did you get started?
I only started blogging Feb. of this year 2010. I have some author friends [Stephen and Janet Bly] and they told us about Steve being on a blog and a giveaway book. So I looked around and saw lots of authors had book giveaways. Then I found out I could get free books for reading and reviewing them. Off I went after that.
Which genres do you prefer to read?
I love many of them. It would probably be easier to tell you the ones I don't like. ;) I only read Christian books and here are some of my favorites.
I love Mystery, Suspense, Westerns, Romance and also autobiographies etc..
What are your favorites?ie) books, characters, food, beverage, movies, tv shows, seasons, vacations, animal, whatever, etc...
Favorite books: Safely Home by Randy Alcorn, O'Malley series by Dee Henderson, Mitford series by Jan Karon, anything by Stephen Bly, Janette Oke, Karen Kingbury and Ted Dekker.
Favorite characters: O'Malleys and Baxters from Karen Kingburys books.
Favorite foods: Pizza, Tacos, Lasagna, ice cream and candy
Favorite beverage: Tea {Earl Grey}
Favorite movies: Facing the Giants, Lord of the Rings and Narnia
Favorite TV shows: CSI
Favorite seasons: Spring and Fall
Favorite vacations: Love to go to Upper MI on the Great Lakes
Favorite animal House Cats
Do you have a favorite scripture or a life verse? If so what is it (and why, if you want to get into it!?) I love 2 Timothy 1:7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love and of a sound mind. I love this because I tend to worry about and fear things so I know that God gives me power for love and a sound mind. I can do all things through Him.What advice do you have to other book bloggers?
Just get started and do your best. It's so much fun to read, review books. I've had a super time getting to know authors. They are some of the kindest, sweetest people I have gotten to know.
Anything else you'd like to add?
Thank you so very much for taking the time to do this. I really am honored that you chose me to interview. That makes my day! Blessings to you and all that you do.
Thanks for posting this interview. I've enjoyed Trinity Rose's blog for a while, so it was neat to find out more about her.
Thanks for the interview.
It was really fun.
I appreciate you doing this.
Trinity Rose
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