Saturday, July 10, 2010

Winning Blog: Onedesertrose's Blog

This week's spotlight falls on

Relatively new to me is Onedesertrose's Blog - Christian Book Reviews.  I've appreciated Linda's in-depth analysis of Christian themes of the books in her reviews.

Let's meet Linda, Onedesertrose...

What is your blog's mission?

One of my missions is to post on Christian books, particularly those that have a redemptive, reconciliatory and forgiveness basis. I once read a secular book that I somehow won free. The plot of the story was mainly ok, minus the swearing. I usually do not read these types of books, but felt compelled to finish it. The ending left me empty and hopeless. The characters were bitter and revengeful. I saw so clearly the difference between secular and Christian books. Christian books usually diffuse the grace of God within the book, bringing about reconciliation, redemption and forgiveness with God, family and friends. So my goal is to promote Christian books for this reason. I get blessed in the process and grow, too.

A second reason would be to bring ‘hard issues’ into the mix so people will get involved in whatever way they can in the areas they feel called, such as, human trafficking, abortion, domestic and child abuse, evangelizing, etc.

I also will blog on Christian meetings that publishers/organizations send me to promote. I’m also starting to include my passion of raising children so they know the truth of God’s Word instead of the secular teachings they get in school. Be looking for more of that.
How long have you been blogging?

I have been blogging since May, 2009, with more in-depth blogs since January, 2010.

Tell us a little about yourself:

I’m married to my sweet husband; 40 years this Fall. I have one son. Both my hubby and I grew up on farms. I wouldn't trade the experience for the world. Not sure why we are living in the city, but I love it here, too. I’m an avid book reader—have been since I could read. Don’t have that 'itch' to write, however. I like to do the reading and blogging. WAY more fun!

What are some of your favorite things?

In my healthy years I loved to hike, bike, cross-country ski, gardening, canning, shoveling snow (yes, that's true!), and camping. Now I’m more into reading, crocheting, silk ribbon embroidery for wedding gifts, and cooking. I love the older movies, Sound of Music, Holiday Inn, It’s a Wonderful Life, The Ten Commandments, and my favorite, Anne of Green Gables. Anne Shirley is such a delight. I’ve done some traveling with my husband to Arizona where our son went to college, the Grand Canyons, and Wyoming.
Which genre most appeals to you, and why?

My most favorite genre is legal thrillers, as I’m a paralegal, and I like to see the twists and turns of the courtroom. And yes, they really do get crazy in the courtroom. In 2008, Margaret Daley informed me of the ACFW meeting here in the Minneapolis area, so my genre opened up to historical novels, romance, and love-inspired romance, along with one fantasy book! Some of my favorite authors are Francine Rivers, Bodie Thoene, Margaret Daley, James Scott Bell, Randy Singer, earlier books of John Grisham, Brandilyn Collins, Julie Lessman, Eugenia Price, plus many, many more.

What advice do you have for other book bloggers?
Blog about the books you enjoy and would want others to read also. If they helped you grow in any way, share that in your blog. The whole goal of blogging, for me, is to promote books that redeem, reconcile, and forgive in relation to God and others. Be honest in your reviews. Authors put hours into researching and writing for our pleasure and to help people to grow spiritually. Applaud their hard work and style of writing. If you don’t like a book, you have the choice to not blog about it, or to give your critique in a gentle way. Be on time as much as possible for the tours and promises to influence a book. Above all, have fun!

Thanks, Linda, for joining us here at Winning Readings today!

No linky today, but be sure to pop by Onedesertrose's Blog and say hi!  Nominations for future Winning Blogs are always welcome.

Have a blessed weekend!